We recognise the historic impact of Longford Estate on the local communities and the responsibility we have today as custodians of the land and buildings we own. Supporting the next generation within our local community is important to us and we engage with the local community through village greens, allotment gardens, village halls, rural education access, and charitable donations.
Explore our community

Given the Estates close proximity to Salisbury, and the surrounding satellite villages, sensitive development opportunities to strengthen communities are considered. Where possible, the community’s requirements as well as design, local materials, site layout, landscape and conservation are considered to enhance the settlements.
Explore our development

& conservation
Woodlands are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. The Longford Estate prides itself in managing its 770 hectares of woodland to give a commercial return and to provide habitat for wildlife. Plantations of evergreen, mixed deciduous, and native trees are all grown to provide diverse habitat and a range of end uses.
Discover our Longford LogsNational Gallery tours
Longford Castle houses a hugely important art collection, and selected tours are available in the spring, summer and Autumn through a unique arrangement with the National Gallery. Castle Tours are available via National Gallery website.
View the National Gallery schedule