The protection of flora and fauna by creating habitat as well as safeguarding ancient woodland and downland as custodians of this special landscape is of paramount importance to our business.

Natural England
In 2007 the farm entered a Higher Level Stewardship Schemes which are run by Natural England. The main aim of the scheme is to create a mosaic of farm diversity incorporating traditional grazing methods to modern day precision farming, complementing the landscape and enhancing our natural environment.
The options taken under the scheme to achieve the aim included:
- Low input farming on permanent pasture and water-meadows
- Reduced cultivation practices on arable fields where archaeology is known to exist
- Restricted stocking rates and grazing periods on downland
- Overwintered stubbles
- Leaving areas fallow for ground nesting birds
- Establishing 6m field margins and leaving field corners out of arable production for the enhancement of flora and fauna
- The planting of new hedgerows
- A management plan for traditional hedgerows
- Small areas sown for wild bird winter feed as well as pollen and nectar mixes.

Red Tractor
Red Tractor Assurance means that the farm is assessed on an annual basis to make sure that it adheres to the Red Tractor standards. Wildlife and the Environment plays a significant role in the accreditation and therefore, the Red Tractor logo demonstrates the farm’s responsible protection of the environment it operates in.