Longford Farms is the in-hand farming operation comprising 1,733 hectares of land consisting of parkland, water meadows and chalk downland.

Farming Practice
The farm produces a range of combinable crops and supports 200 head of Angus suckler cows and followers. The farm supports a large countryside stewardship scheme providing a range of habitat for both flora and fauna including some nationally rare arable plants.

The arable operation is based around a central grain store where 8,500 tonnes of crops can be dried, conditioned, and stored.
Wheat is grown for milling, be that for bread making or biscuits, barley for the malting and brewing industries, oilseed rape and linseed for their oils, and peas for a variety of markets.

The Angus cattle graze the permanent pasture during the early spring and summer months moving onto turnips and kale grown on the arable land in the autumn and winter. This holistic approach puts manure on the ground and rests the pastures.
Animal health and welfare is paramount. There are regular health checks and consultations with our veterinary team.
Investment in suitable handling facilities is essential to cater for all of our animals from young calves to large mature bulls.