This classic fish was originally to be found in the lakes and streams that drained from the Pacific slope, right the way from Alaska to northern Mexico. (in addition to the Pacific coastal stream of Asia). The species has now developed into a truly worldwide fish.
Rainbow Trout
A truly spirited fish, the Rainbow Trout revels in swift flowing, well oxygenated waters with clean rocky bottoms and enjoys water temperatures that remain below 70 degrees Fahrenheit. However it will tolerate temperatures of 80 degrees quite readily and it is indeed this tolerance for water deemed too warm by other breeds of trout that make it such a great fish to stock.
What we offer
At Trafalgar Fisheries we are able to supply Rainbow Trout in a variety of sizes and options which follow.
These are the options for the trout:
- Gutted
- Filleted
- Skinned Fillets
- Pinboned
- Butterflied
- Canoed
- Portioned
Please take a look at our e-brochure for more information.